Content can be associated with individual features. This short guide will walk through how to add popup content to a feature as well as how you and others can then view that content from the site.

Adding Content

Every feature in a dataset's Features list has a markdown editor field associated with it. You can add content here the same way you would to any tour, view, or other page, though you may need to be careful when adding images, as described in the next section.

You can also designate certain properties as "auto popup properties" that should be used to automatically generate popup content for all features from a specific dataset. To do this, use the Add Properties to Popup Content field on either the dataset page or the tour page (under dataset overrides).

Features can have automatic content, regular/markdown content, or both. If a feature has both, the automatic content will come before the markdown content.

While you can set automatic content and markdown content from the dataset page, tours also include overrides for setting these values:

  • Remove automatic content from the dataset: Select "None" in the Add Properties to Popup Content override (and no other values).
  • Change automatic content from the dataset: Select any properties other than "None" in the Add Properties to Popup Content override (will completely override values from the dataset).
  • Remove markdown content from the dataset: Add the feature in question to the tour's features list and enable the Remove Popup toggle.
  • Change markdown content from the dataset: Add the feature in question to the tour's features list and add content to the Popup Content markdown editor (will completely override values from the dataset, Remove Popup is unnecessary).

Adding Images

Adding images works the same way as it does for normal page content, but your options are slightly more limited.


  • Reference an image file on the website or elsewhere using the full URL.
  • Upload an image file to the plugin configuration (General tab, Popup Content Images), then reference it using image://file-name.
  • Upload an image to the dataset or tour page (whichever page you are adding the popup content in) and reference it using the file name. You cannot use an image uploaded to the dataset page for content written in the tour page, or vice versa. After saving the dataset or tour, the image filepath will automatically be modified so that it will work.

Note: If you are using an html image <img> rather than a markdown image ![alt text](file-name) then you must refer to it using the full URL. The other options only apply to markdown images.

If you are unsure if you referenced your images correctly, open the feature popup content (on the actual website, not the admin panel) to make sure the image shows up, then go to the tour's popup content page (link at the end of tour content) and make sure the image shows up there, too.

Viewing Content

There are four ways visitors to your website can view popup content added to features.

  1. If a feature on the map has popup content, clicking on that feature will open the content.
  2. If a feature with popup content is added to a view that has List Popup Buttons enabled, a button to open the feature's content will be added at the end of the view.
  3. You can use a shortcode to insert a button to open a feature's popup content anywhere in the tour or view content. Go to Use Feature Popup Shortcodes for more information on how to do this.
  4. Each tour will automatically generate a popups page that can be accessed from the tour page. This page will list all of the popup content linearly. It was primarily added for accessibility reasons, in case people run into difficulties accessing the various feature popups, but some people may prefer to view the content this way anyhow.

Note: The popups page and the link to it will only exist if the tour has at least one feature with popup content. If the page exists when it should not or does not exist when it should, try saving the tour page and see if that fixes it.