Shortcodes are basically extensions for markdown. You can read all about them, and what shortcodes are added by the required Shortcode Core plugin on that plugin's readme.

This plugin adds one shortcode, popup-button, to allow you to insert a "view popup" button for a chosen feature anywhere in your tour or view content. The shortcode comes in the form . Some things to keep in mind:

  • Make sure the button text is informative. The default is to use the feature's name.
  • The popup-button shortcode only works on tour or view pages. It will be ignored on any other type of page.
  • The shortcode must use the ID automatically generated by the plugin, which you can find in a readonly field for each feature in a dataset's features list.
  • The ID can be provided with double quotes id="example" or plain id=example, but not single quotes id='bad-example'.
  • The shortcode will only work if the ID is valid and references a feature that is included in that tour and has popup content.
  • If using the shortcode in a view, the feature does not have to be included in the view, just the tour as a whole.

While you can find feature ids from their dataset pages and manually write out the shortcode that way, each view also generates shortcodes for all features in the view that have popup content. These shortcodes are listed in a readonly text area under Feature Popup Button Shortcodes. The feature's name is used for the button text so that there is (hopefully) no question which feature a given shortcode is for.

Note: If using a view's List Popup Buttons option, any features with shortcodes in the view's content will not be included in the view's popup buttons list.